The DUPR Crew
0 Members
Gathering a list of players in the Madison, WI area who have expressed interest in future DUPR Sessions. Everyone should be able to post games to this group. For DUPR to work for those in the group, you must link your DUPR to your Pickleheads account. You can then create Round Robin sessions that require DUPR to join. This requires that all joiners approve use of DUPR. Then, you enter scores in the Round Robin as the session goes. At the end of the session, you'll be given the option to upload to DUPR. This is a "fun competitive" group. Everyone should be respectful to each other. Play hard, but congratulate opponents (and teammates) who make great plays. It is OK to post sessions that fit your desired play level. It's also ok to post sessions as small as 4 players. Bonus points if you can get court time for bigger sessions. Let's have fun together!
0 Members
Bryan G.
3.34 DUPR
Caitlin K.
3.13 DUPR
Gino R.
3.83 DUPR
Sommer G.
3.24 DUPR
Ankit K.
Brandon S.
4.11 DUPR
Brett G.
4.12 DUPR
Claire L.