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Recently Added Courts in Northern Ireland
St.John Bosco Community Centre
2 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
3 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
2 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
2 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
Most Popular Courts in Northern Ireland
3 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
6 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
2 Courts
Perm. Lines
Portable Nets
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About the pickleball scene in Northern Ireland
Every city you can play pickleball in Northern Ireland
Every location you can find pickleball courts in Northern Ireland
Andersonstown Leisure Centre|Belfast|2 courtsArds Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex|Newtownards|2 courtsBallysillan Leisure Centre|Belfast|6 courtsBelvoir Activity Centre|Belfast|1 courtBrook Leisure Centre|Dunmurry|3 courtsEddie Irvine Sports|Bangor|2 courtsFalls Leisure Centre|Belfast|3 courtsGirdwood Community Hub|Belfast|2 courtsGrove Wellbeing Centre|Belfast|2 courtsLisburn Leisure Centre|Lisburn|3 courtsLisnasharragh Leisure Centre|Belfast|4 courtsOlympia Leisure Centre and Spa|Belfast|3 courtsOmniplex Cinema Lisburn|Lisburn|2 courtsShankill Leisure Centre|Belfast|4 courtsSouth Lake Leisure Centre|Craigavon|2 courtsSt.John Bosco Community Centre|Cargan|2 courtsStrathearn School|Belfast|0 courtsTemplemore Baths|Belfast|2 courtsWallace Park|Lisburn|0 courtsWhiterock Leisure Centre|Belfast|4 courts
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